Rallying during a Pandemic
Respect Life Club Attends Virtual March For Life
Picture taken from the OLLA Instagram showing the care packages students made for pregnant women on January 29th, 2021. Students who attended the Respect Life retreat did many activities including making baby shower baskets and watching informative movies about abortion. “It was amazing knowing that we were helping expectant mothers,” freshman Lorenza Borja said.
March 4, 2021
This year’s March for Life event in Washington DC was canceled due to the ongoing pandemic but that didn’t stop OLLA students from having their own march.
The March for Life organization has an annual rally where thousands of people including OLLA students gather together. In order to advocate for this cause while taking COVID precautions, members of the respect life club at OLLA held their own retreat.
This day long retreat took place on January 29th in the gym at our Lady of Lourdes Academy in which 30 girls were in attendance.
“I loved going to the March for Life retreat because even though we were not able to physically be in DC like previous years, it felt the same way in that we all gathered together- as COVID friendly as possible- united as one to stand up for the unborn,” Vice President of the Respect Life Club Marianna Brime said.
From 7:30 am to 5 pm, members of the retreat did many activities including making baby shower baskets and watching informative movies about abortion.
In addition to this, they marched around campus whilst holding signs they had made during this retreat.
“I have never been to the march in Washington DC but I could still feel the unity of the pro life youth in our community,” freshman Lorenza Borja said.