The Living Rosary: A Prayerful Experience
To celebrate October, the month of the rosary, the school community unitedly gathered in the Grotto, Thursday, Oct. 7th, to share one of the school’s traditions in order to collectively ask for the Blessed Mother’s prayerful intercession.
Last year, in the midst of the pandemic, the OLLA community had to find alternative ways of exemplifying the beauty and value in praying the rosary.
“We did a hybrid rosary and many of our students were still virtual—part of our rosary was in the chapel being broadcasted over Zoom and some students were representing the rosary in the Grotto— but it wasn’t as many people,” Campus Ministry Assistant and Theology teacher Marilu del Toro said.
One of the first times in various years that students, staff, and faculty can gather together to pray the rosary, the Living Rosary allows students to join their OLLA sisters in prayer.
“I was very touched by the Living Rosary this year,” junior Gabriella Garrido said. “I genuinely felt called to be more outgoing, reach out, and experience my OLLA journey to its full potential while listening to the intentions.”
Students found that by participating they were able to be more in tune with their faith.
“I think it was very important for our school to connect back to our patroness, the Blessed Virgin Mary and pray for her help in these continuous difficult times,” senior Mia Puente said.
While many students may find the Living Rosary as a tedious form of prayer, Campus Ministry invites students to look at this form of prayer as a form of meditation.
“As you’re praying the Hail Marys and the Our Fathers, you’re supposed to be meditating on the life of Jesus and the mysterious,” del Toro said. “I think if we look at it that way, it’d be easier for them to understand the value and the meaning behind the rosary. The repetition is more of finding a peaceful state in bringing your intentions; this is a time we dedicate to her.”
Students are called to look at the Blessed Virgin Mary as a young woman, one who faced trials and tribulations yet overcame them with her faith.
“She had many obstacles and hardships and experiences that were a part of her life and how we saw her being able to meet those challenges with her faith. She preserved through those challenges with that courage and confidence, knowing and trusting that God will be there through those particular challenges,” Campus Ministry Director Mary Beth Pino said.
“I challenge our girls to relate to Mary, not as this person they can’t identify with but rather as someone who lived an earthly life, had hardships, and that they can use her example to navigate various challenges and joys in their lives,” Pino said.
The Agape Prayer Group hosts Weekly Rosary every Thursday in the Grotto.

Stephania Lopez was on the Grotto News staff from 2019 t0 2022. She was the creative director of the 2021-2022 publication of the renowned literary art...