Christmas on Campus

As the semester comes to an end, the students celebrate the Christmas season while finalizing their studies.

All around campus, girls wear Christmas socks, are enveloped by blankets, and drink peppermint flavored coffee from their yetis or seasonal Starbucks cups. This last full week of school brought extra special festivities. Students took part in celebrating the most wonderful time of the year by wearing ugly Christmas sweaters and hats on Monday and Tuesday.

They were also visited by St. Nicholas who left a candy cane in each student’s penny loafer. Some teams, clubs, and/or classes participated in Secret Santas amongst themselves. During FOCUS, some classrooms shared a special kind of “FOCUS Fiesta: Christmas Edition.”

The week came to an end on the last Friday of the semester by watching a Christmas movie and drinking hot chocolate during the Lunch block. 

“Even though this week was stressful while preparing for finals, I was able to enjoy the festive activities that felt like a break from studying,” junior Miranda Guerra said.

Each member of the OLLA community closes this semester’s chapter and awaits what next year will bring. Until we reunite after this much-needed and deserving break… Merry Christmas Bobcats!