Episode 12: Understanding Idols
In this episode, we hear students discuss their different perspectives of idols. As we grow up, we look up to people we find admirable. Oftentimes, we visualize these people as perfect idols who can do no wrong, so what happens when they mess up? How does this change our perception of them, and what does it help us realize about the truth behind who we idolize? We asked Alejandra Gomez-Pina ’23, Kristina Guerra ’23, and Alexandra Puig ’23 to tell us about the people they look up to and why. (Hosts: Paola LIsta ’23 and Danielle Noriega ’23)

Paola Lista is a senior and is the student body president. This is her third year on The Grotto staff, and as the creator & host of OLLA Out Loud....

Danielle Noriega is a senior at OLLA. This will be her third year on the Grotto News staff. She is a part of many clubs and activities at the school. She...