
Gabriella Battistini, Staff Writer

A day of celebrating love and happiness, Valentine’s Day is a classic holiday for celebrating affection. From when we were kids, we brought gifts to all of our classmates, a cute activity to show our love for each other and have fun. When we get older, Valentine’s day is a beautiful celebration of love for the special person in our life.


Love and gifts are exchanged in the name of St. Valentine, so who is this mysterious saint? The church recognizes three saints named Valentine, and all three were martyred. 


One legend says that Valentine was a priest during the third century of Rome. Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage for young men so they could be soldiers instead. Valentine defied this and performed secret marriages for young couples in secret. When he was discovered, he was ordered to death. 


Another story says that Valentine was imprisoned, and sent a “valentine” to the jailer’s young daughter who he fell in love with. It is said that he wrote her a letter signing “From your Valentine,” the start of the phrase used today.


The legends of St. Valentine all portray him as a heroic and romantic figure, a true symbol of the holiday. 


Although it is typical for romantic love, Valentine’s day can be for anyone. Celebrating your parents, siblings, and kids is also a beautiful way to spend this holiday. It’s a great opportunity to show the important people in our lives how much we truly do love them. Having good friends that are always there for you is so special, and although Valentine’s day is especially about romantic love, it is important to celebrate those people as well. No matter what happens, your friends and family will always be there for you, and showing them love is just as important.


Finding the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with is such a blessing. Your significant other, whether they are your lifelong partner or not, is committed to you and to sharing their life with you. We should be celebrating that beauty every single day, but Valentine’s Day is a chance to use an age old tradition to especially celebrate your connection with that person.


There are so many ways to celebrate the holiday, like going to dinner with your significant other, buying them flowers and chocolate, getting them a gift, and more. No matter how you choose to celebrate, the most important part is to use it as a day to show your significant other how much you love and appreciate them.