Where there is Lightning

Irene Rubero

When you think of the strongest avenger Thor comes to mind. Thor is the god of thunder and is 1500-years-old. Compared to the avengers on earth Thor comes from Asgard, a small, planetary body that serves as home to the Asgardians. Because of Thor’s Asgardian physiology he has superhuman strength, durability, speed, agility, stamina, and reflexes as well as a regenerative healing factor and longevity. He can also fly. But, his main power is his electricity generation, storm manipulation, energy projection, and weapon calling. Thor is also able to wield the mighty hammer, Mjolnir, because he is selfless. 

Thor has shown he is the strongest avenger several times. To name a few, first In Thor: The Dark World   Thor was able to defeat Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves, who had the reality infinity stone and send him back to the Dark World.  In   Thor: Ragnarok , Thor faced off against his powerful evil sister, Hela is the Goddess of Death. In the final battle, Thor realized his true strength and without the use of his hammer was able to strike Hela with an epic lightning bolt. In Avengers: Infinity War.  Thor headed to Nidavellir to create a weapon capable of killing Thanos. To do this Thor had to hold open the eye of the forge for the star power to mold his new ax. Thor withstood the full force of a star. Any other would have certainly died. Another instance was when Thor faced off against Thanos In Wakanda. With his new ax, stormbreaker, Thor was able to battle against the power of all six Infinity Stones to sink itself into Thanos’ torso which was a huge feat.

Although Scarlet Witch has been said to be the strongest avenger with her very strong magical abilities, Thor is stronger. Even though magically Wanda may be superior because of Thor’s physical strength he is stronger. Thor also has a thousand years of experience, unlike Wanda. Close combat fighting is also a weak point in Wanda, so Thor could easily overpower her. With the use of his ax Thor is also able to break through Wanda’s powers. If there was a fight  on equal ground and they both had weapons Thor could defeat the Scarlet Witch. 

To conclude, Thor is the strongest Avenger because of his Asgardian physiology, his unique lightning powers, fighting combat and experience, and his epic weapon. Thor is also a god unlike his Avenger companions. With all of these factors combined this makes Thor extremely strong hence he is the strongest Avenger.