Are Phones in School a Good Idea?

May 24, 2023

Cellphones are Crucial to Students’ Academic Development

Everybody has a cell phone these days. They are our primary source of communication and over the past few years, we have started to use them for just about everything. This doesn’t just include adults, more and more children are being gifted phones and relying on them more. 

In most schools, cell phones are forbidden items. Many schools have rules in their handbook about not taking cell phones outside of backpacks and even not allowing them on school grounds. There has been quite a lot of controversy about this issue, but overall cell phones should be permitted at school since it is a safety precaution and a way to enhance the curriculum by using new apps and programs.

Cell phones allow for instant communication between parents and students. In the case of an emergency, students can easily call or text their parents to get a situation resolved. This is very important to all those nervous parents out there, who want to make sure their children are safe at all times. 

Teachers have started to look at cell phones as tools to use in the classroom. With the thousands of educational apps that can be found on cell phones, it’s no wonder phones and other technological devices are being worked into students’ daily curriculum. There is pretty much an app for every subject and lesson that you can dream of. From learning new languages with Duolingo to studying online flashcards with Quizlet, phones bring many new opportunities for students to excel in their studies.

Some might say that technology doesn’t belong in schools because it may be distracting to students and ultimately cause more harm than good but cellphones and other technological devices have a lot to offer students, when used correctly. The problem does not lie with the technology itself, but in the way students are using them during school hours. If students are always on their phones, doing something other than what they are supposed to, then the use of technology becomes distracting to the student and the students around them.

Ultimately, Technology has many benefits, when used wisely. Phones are crucial to students’ safety and academic success. If cellphones continue to be prohibited on school grounds then students will be at a disadvantage and their future success will suffer.

Cellphones Should Be Banned During Class

There have been many discussions on whether or not cell phones should be used in school or not. Many people argue that cell phones should be used in school, whether it is in the case of emergencies or other reasons. However, cell phones should be banned in classrooms because it causes distractions, encourages bad behavior, and motivates students to cheat. 

One main reason why cell phones should be banned at school is because it causes distractions during lessons. It’s hard to pay attention in class when doing other things like being on social media, texting people, or even playing games on your phone. It is obviously shown that when students are on their phones during class, they tend to perform poorly on their tests since they are not paying attention to the teacher. Also, being on your phone during class also causes an easy distraction for other students around you and even an easy distraction for the teacher teaching.

Students are also almost always using their cell phones out of school, so it’s great to reduce screen time, get them away from their phones for a while, and pay attention to the things happening around them. 

Another significant reason why cell phones should be banned during school is because they can encourage bad behavior. Cell phones are easily being used today as a form of bullying. There have been many times when a student has taken a picture of another student or even the teacher without their permission and has later on spread that photo as a way to make fun of them or bully them. However, this is not the only bad behavior it encourages.

Cell phones can also promote other bad behaviors like cheating. Since the cellphones are right in front of the students in class, they can easily be tempted to cheat and search for answers on an assignment or even use it during a test or a quiz. 

Cell phones being used in school mainly have a negative effect on students. Cell phone use in school causes many distractions, encourages cheating, and tempts students to cheat in school. Students sadly rely on technology more than themselves, and this changes by banning cell phone use in school.