Welcome back, sophomores! How does it feel to no longer be the “newbies” around here? Congratulations on finishing the first year of high school,
First, of course, are all the spirit events like OLLA Fest and Spirit Day. Now that you know what these are all about, you should sign up for the games, participate in everything you can, and make memories that you will cherish forever.
“OLLA Fest is my favorite event and honestly last year was one of the best I’ve experienced because everyone got involved,” junior Lucia Herran said.
You may have a better idea of what you are interested in studying or pursuing, but even if you don’t, try signing up for any club that catches your eye (but actually show up to the meetings!). Clubs are a great way to continue to get to know your classmates and meet new people, while finding what it is that you love to do at school. Similarly, if there’s a cause that really speaks to you, don’t be afraid to start a service project; it is a great way to get the whole community involved in helping others.
Don’t forget to keep up your grades, regardless of how far college seems to be. Keep paying attention in your classes and learning new things, because these are lessons you will carry on for years to come.
Overall, the biggest advice one can give for this year is to enjoy every single moment. Any upperclassman can attest to the fact that your days at OLLA go by way too fast and you don’t want to miss it.
“As a senior I’ve realized that these years literally flew by,” senior Nicole Wendelken said, “I wish I would’ve known that people weren’t lying when they said that.”