The official start of spirit events in the school year comes with OLLAFEST. This year brought changes and many reasons to dress up. Hosts Isa Baquerizo ’24 and Alexa Sabogal ’24 break down the weekly events and talk to students about this year’s events.
Let’s Talk About It: OLLAFest Recap
November 13, 2023
OLLAFest is always the official start to a spirited school year.
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About the Contributors

Isabella Baquerizo, Editor In Chief
Isabella Baquerizo is currently a senior. She’s been a part of the staff since she discovered her love for writing and journalism through Journalism I: News Writing & Reporting her sophomore year. She has continued to pursue her passion and is this year’s Editor in Chief. Isabella started, “Let’s Talk About It,” her own podcast for The Grotto. She is a member of various clubs and National Honors Societies. In her free time, she loves to have fun with her friends and family. Isabella is very excited to be part of the staff.

Alexa Sabogal, Managing Editor
Alexa Sabogal is a current senior and it is her third year on staff. After taking Journalism 1 she found her love for writing and creating podcasts about what students are up to. She is a member of Student Council, Peer Ministry, the Track and Field team and numerous honor societies.