Senior Leah Aguilar, inspired by her mother’s guidance in prayer, has been crafting rosaries for her friends and family. Leah found her calling to create these beautiful decades after the Second Junior Encounter.
“God chose to make me feel seen, loved, and heard everyday,” Aguilar reflected.
What started as a simple hobby blossomed into a school-wide embrace, especially amongst her peers. As almost all the senior Peer Ministers now carry her rosaries.
“It makes me eternally grateful,” Leah shared,”and gives me a sense of purpose to know that these girls use my rosaries.”
Leah’s project has extended beyond her circle of friends. This Lent, she began a project titled “40 days, 40 Rosaries.” In this she promised to give her rosaries to loved ones, strangers, and those in need.

“I want to create unity within my community and provide peace of mind to those with anxious hearts,” Aguilar said.
Even as graduation approaches Leah’s dedication remains unwavering. She plans to continue on her journey of crafting rosaries, she hopes to use them as beacons of hope to hospital patients in her years at college.
Although she struggles balancing extracurriculars, school, and her rosaries Leah has managed to practice diligent time management. She has reserved weekends for her craft and finds comfort in the moments she spends with her mom, listening to K-Love Radio Station while crafting rosaries.
“Sometimes life gets hectic,” Aguilar states,” but I am willing to make sacrifices and stick to my goals.”
Leah has adopted the school motto of serving, “With Mary in all Things”, throughout her project, and the faculty has seen her dedication as well.
“Seeing Leah’s dedication a pure love for making rosaries has been a blessing to witness this year. Not only is her devotion to the Blessed Mother inspiring, but her generosity and care for others reminds me that we are all called to build a civilization of love. Working with Leah through peer ministry has shown me that she truly strives to do just that everyday, especially through making and giving rosaries,” Assistant Campus Minister Lourdes Tuñón said.
Leah’s rosaries serve as a reminder of the power of love and faith, healing hearts one bead at a time.