Our New Normal
President Sister Carmen Fernandez opens the school year with a virtual mass on the first day of School, August 29, 2020.
2020 has brought a lot of unexpected changes to our lives and many challenges with it. From virtual school to cancelled vacations, COVID-19 has impacted each and every member of the OLLA community in different ways.
Despite the (many) obstacles that have veered us into unforeseen directions, cities, communities, and families alike have shown their perseverance. Good Samaritans around the world have worked to fashion masks to send the less fortunate, religious communities have remained close to their faith and fellow members through virtual masses, and Lourdes as a whole has kept the sisterhood alive through the faculty’s efforts.
The Ollagram has stayed very active in order to keep its followers connected and informed. There we can stay in the loop with fun but informational videos, blogs, and updates. Moreover, teachers and faculty have been regularly sending emails to both students and parents regarding school activities, uniforms, and other important news. Recently, zoom and showbie class codes.
Beginning school virtually was a result of circumstances out of each of our control but no matter the changes we face, together these new beginnings can be met with optimism and faith. In light of all the “new” we must adapt to, The Grotto has reinvented itself for this new school year.
Beginning with this first edition, the school newspaper will now be on the grotto website. On this all-new website, students, parents, faculty, and staff can all click on to see news stories and updates on all things OLLA.
With this exciting change, the Grotto staff hopes to keep the school community amore connected than ever. Easier than ever to navigate The Grotto, this website is designed to maximize efficiency so that every reader can comfortably read news stories, watch clips, and see attached pictures. Check out The Grotto newspaper on ollagrotto.com to enjoy school news in an all-new, effortless experience.
In this time of uncertainty, the choice of how we will move forward is ours. To shut our eyes to the world in front of us or to smile and embrace this new (socially-distanced) normal for what it has to offer is for each of us to decide.
Not only is the OLLA community striving to survive this foggy time, but it looks to thrive throughout it. Together, with the support of our fellow sisters, faculty members, and trust in God, we can truly not just survive- but live our best lives to make this school year amazing.