This past Saturday, the Class of 2025 got to experience one of the many OLLA traditions that makes senior year so special. As students rippled through the gymnasium doors at 4pm dressed in their all black attire and excitement written all over their faces, they were required to turn in their phones. Although it may seem hard to imagine going just 10 minutes without checking for any notifications, there were enough activities planned for the night to keep their minds off of that fact.

From 4pm-11pm, the seniors stayed busy with fun games, snacks, and getting to decorate their little sisters’ beanies. From charades, to laser tag, to a giant game of Twister, 8 hours flew by. Every moment was filled with joy and eagerness.
No phone, no problem! What more do you need when you’re with your 211 OLLA Sisters? There was enough entertainment to keep everyone engaged and wanting more. There was never a dull moment nor the slightest hint of boredom.
“Not having my phone in lock-in allowed me to reach out to girls I don’t usually talk to and connect with them,” senior Anabelle Diaz said. “It allowed me to create a special bond and helped us live in the moment and enjoy our time together.”
The final competition was a lip sync battle, in which each time received a different song and performed their self-choreographed dance. At the end, the team with the most purple wristbands, signifying how many games they won, was named the overall winner. The Army Green team earned this title with five wristbands.
“During lock-in my team, the army green team, won the lip sync battle and it was such a fun bonding experience within the grade,” senior Lucia Jurado said. “I became friends with so many people I didn’t expect to connect with and winning the lip sync battle brought us that much closer.”
To end off the night, the class of 2025 interlocked hands and sang along to their class song, “Home” by Phillip Phillips and of course chanted their “Olla Olla Aye” senior chant as they jumped and hugged one another.

“I loved all of the activities and that we were put into teams to compete for prizes,” senior Madison Fernandez said. “Even though we were competing, at the end of the night, we all stood around the gym, hugged one another, and sang together. You could feel the happiness and love between all 211 of us.”
This night was a beautiful way to begin the seniors’ last year here at OLLA. They bonded with each other and created memories that are sure to last a lifetime. When they look back on their senior year in the future, this night will definitely stand out as one of the highlights and will remind them of the love and happiness they experienced throughout their four years in high school.