Throughout time, we as a society have recorded history along the course of our existence on this planet from the beginning of our species. Whether from hieroglyphics, or cave paintings, all the way going to the fallen Library of Alexandria, humans have documented the events and stories in order to pass them down to our posterity.
Here at our school, our history department works very hard to provide a glimpse into the past, but besides simply teaching about the past, there is an impact the department as a whole has in common when it comes to their girls. “The impact I want to have on the girls is that when I have them to become successful later on women, they go on to live fulfilling lives and become leaders in whatever industry or field that they choose suits them best,” said Mr. Sulkowski, head of the department.
An example of a hands-on project taken on by the AP Euro History students is the Chapter 14, Age of Exploration project. Both a combination of a group presentation and an interactive experience, the project goes on to teach the students about different European countries during the time of exploration, each group representing a different country. When asked how her groups findings contributed to the class’s understanding of the historical period, sophomore Eva Diaz said, “I think that this project is just a more fun way to learn about what we were doing in class rather than doing lectures, and it was a less stressful way to learn about the topics as well.”
At the end of a day, a lesson is always learned, whether moral or educational, you can learn through anything, especially the past. “It has educated me and taught me that past experiences can be relevant in the future and that we can learn from our history because we need to remember how other people have made their own mistakes to make sure we don’t make the same ones,” said sophomore Rosario Pulido.