Does the placement of the stars knows the placement of your heart?


Emma Diaz, staff writer

There is a lot of controversy on zodiac signs and whether they are genuine or fake.

There are many different zodiac signs. Signs that are supposedly indicative of  a person’s personality. First, the fire signs: Aries Sagittarius and Leo; which are spontaneous and impulsive. The water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, which are imaginative and emotional. Also, the air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini are quick and animated and tend to intellectualize feelings. Finally, the earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, which are quiet and have slow directions to change and are slow to adjust emotionally. 

Zodiacs are supposed to categorize your personality and traits based on the date of birth and astrological placement at the time. Honestly, it seems unfair to group millions of people into one single category as if they each are the same with no originality. 

There are approximately 7,846,000,000 people on earth today. How is it possible to group a large portion of these people into each astrological sign category? 

Astrology focuses on the placement of the stars dating back to 2200 years ago. They base old information on star placement on how children’s day will come out feeling, thinking, and acting. 

People are unpredictable; their emotions can be anything based on the day they’ve had or just with the people they’ve interacted with. There’s no way to predict how someone will act or how their day will go on just star placement.

There is a difference when people read their horoscope and want it to be true so badly that they make it accurate and do things in their day to make the outcome possible, and the horoscope just being faithful in general on its own. However, people are biased and have their own opinions, so they can never indeed be proven. 

Some people take the zodiac sign characteristics very seriously. They can take it to the point where they’re rejecting friends and family because you’re a Pisces which makes you too sensitive. It’s unfair to treat people a certain way just because you searched up their birthday and a website told you they were manipulative and possessive. 

People also take it to a whole other level because of relationships and become obsessed with the idea of what they’re supposed to be, do, and say. 

Categorizing things, days, and people passed on star placement is genuinely unfair. Suppose you live your whole life by the rules of a horoscope and astrological signs. If you do, you’ll miss many good people and things you can meet daily. 

Classifying people is difficult and near impossible. People have unpredictable and new emotions every day, and each personality is unique. People are each different and can range in many different ways. So putting people into a specific category similar to all others based on a star is genuinely unfair.