Remote Reign: Seniors Rule Remotely
My classmates and I unlocked our iPads bright and early for an abnormal start to senior year. Strangely enough, this wasn’t the class’ first time logging on at home.
Instead, it was a morning of disbelief and the first day of school jitters that have never ceased, even after four years. I was welcomed by the final set of faculty members that would leave a permanent mark on my future. Who knew I’d embark on my journey as a senior in the comfort of my dining room? The day commenced with a schedule orientation, and later a drive through pickup.
“The class I’m most excited about is Personal Family Finance because being able to manage money is an important lesson to learn going into college,” Senior Victoria Arguelles said.
Arguelles is thrilled with the way the school has programmed her first day. She was also pleased with the outcome of the drive by. After six months at home, the girls miss the familiar faces they would usually see on campus. Overall, the day was a success for Arguelles and her classmates.
“Being able to say hi to Ms. Figueras and Mrs. Miñoso was the highlight of picking up my senior kit,” Arguelles said.
Victoria Lebeña—also a member of the senior class—described the highlights of her first day back. Lebeña claims that the senior “starter pack” really got her in the spirit. The bag included a purple mask, senior shirt, and jacket. Her favorite item was the Class of 2021 gray quarter zip jacket.
“I’m most excited about AP Psychology because it’s a possible career choice for me,” Lebeña said.
She hopes to delve deeper into the brain’s functions in the body. After a successful first day, Lebeña and her peers look forward to a fun and spirited year.
My last first day was definitely like no other. My schedule fits my interests, my purple shirt and gray quarter zip jacket are ready to be worn and my crown is equipped for this extraordinary senior year. Even with an unusual start to the school year, the senior class hopes for creative alternatives to the typical traditions that the fall of senior year brings.

Andrea Valdes-Sueiras was a staff writer for The Grotto junior year. For the 2020-2021 school year she is the newspaper’s Managing Editor. She feels...