Solidifying Your Sanity

During the coronavirus age, it is imperative that every individual finds a niche activity that promotes self-care; brownie points if it’s far away from any school-day device.
Some girls have found solace in the depths of a new book. Others in their daily workouts. For senior Isabella Lista, it’s both.
“I’m basically trying to keep a consistent schedule…just trying not to look at the screen,” Lista said.
Exerting energy on anything but an iPad seems to be the method of decompressing after a seven hour virtual school day. Lista recommends Where the Crawdads Sing. Her latest favorite novel has provided an escape from the bustling world of college applications.
Slowing down and prioritizing one’s mental health requires a few minutes of silencing the thoughts that whir through high school students minds. Senior Alexandra Fernandez relaxes through a series of different methods including a soothing set of Spotify songs and plugin scents reminiscent of the beach.She says these daily rituals help keep her grounded.
“Doing exercise and setting aside time everyday for meditating makes me feel so much better after each day,” Fernandez said.
A more outdoorsy approach to seeking mental peace features senior Lya Fernandez. Most wouldn’t associate Miami life with Homestead: Knaus Berry cinnamon rolls, fields of unidentified produce, and horses. But for Lya Fernandez, this is home. After doing the most to meet her academic goals, Fernandez concludes the heavy workday by checking up on her family of horses. They roam around freely throughout the land that makes up Fernandez’s Homestead home. Spending time outside gives girls like Fernandez a physical break that allows them to forget about other stressors (even if it’s only for a little bit of time).
Whether it’s reading, meditating, or even spending time with horses—different but it works—most girls have found an essential routine that includes a sacred time away from their screens.

Andrea Valdes-Sueiras was a staff writer for The Grotto junior year. For the 2020-2021 school year she is the newspaper’s Managing Editor. She feels...