74,088 meals. 320 volunteers. 2 hours—culminated in a historic day of service that brought together generations of Lourdes girls for the first time since the school’s founding in 1963. Honoring the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the All Class service event hosted by Our Lady of Lourdes Academy on Saturday, February 8, was designed to celebrate the deliberate call to life-long service instilled in students and to help the community meet some of its immediate needs while building a stronger future.
“Being a Lourdes girl holds a unique role and responsibility to serve and lead a life that has Mary at the center of all that we do,” Sister Carmen, president, said. “This event celebrated our feast day in a way that beautifully spotlighted the enduring legacy of Our Lady of Lourdes Academy and the lifelong bond that connects every Lourdes girl, past and present.”
In recognition of the 62 classes that have had the distinct privilege of walking these halls, the goal of 62,000 meals — 1,000 meals per class — was accomplished in support of the Ronald McDonald House, the Coconut Grove Outreach facilitated by St. Hugh Parish School, Amigos for Kids, Corpus Christi Parish, and other communities Lourdes supports continuously throughout the year. The outcome exceeded the school’s goal by more than 12,000 meals with every dollar raised directly supporting these organizations, ensuring that 100 percent of the contributions were applied toward this effort. Adding to the significance, these organizations, led in part by Lourdes alumnae, served as the beneficiaries of the service initiative.

“My time at Lourdes instilled in me a deep commitment to service and faith while also fostering a strong sense of sisterhood. That bond and the values my fellow alumna and I learned continue to inspire us to this day to go above and beyond for our community. It’s not just about making a difference in the moment, but also carrying forward the legacy of service that we will always share,” said Melissa Yanes, class of 2000.
This event not only made a meaningful impact on our local community, but also created a special opportunity for past and present Lourdes girls to connect and serve side by side.
“At OLLA we were taught to always go above and beyond and give 100% in all that we did, especially when working to serve others, but serving alongside my sisters did make the event so much more fun and personal as we connected with some and reconnected with others. There is a magical energy that happens when OLLA ladies unite. And on Saturday, we saw that magic,” said Lourdes Portela Gimenez, class of 1973.
That ‘magic’ still lives on today and nurtures a community-minded tomorrow.
“Going back to campus and reliving what my life was like 30 years ago was very nice and seeing all the familiar faces from those in my class. As an entrepreneur, I loved that I had an opportunity to serve the community at large, especially with it being at my alma mater,” said Valeria Kelly, class of 1998.
Tables were set up with all the ingredients for rice and bean meals, carefully weighed, packaged, and sealed with pre-prepared labels before distribution. These meals will show up at the dinner tables of families in need.
“This event was a reminder of just how proud I am to be a Bobcat,” said Sophie Lopez, class of 2006 and McDonald’s franchisee. “We came together under one roof to work toward the same goal, and it felt extra special that we were helping the Ronald McDonald House, an organization I hold near and dear to my heart. These meals will help further the House’s mission of caring and providing for families during their most difficult times of need.”
The service-filled morning was a powerful reflection of the Lourdes legacy in action. It was through donations, teamwork, and sisterhood that the meals for the underserved communities were made. Once the event began, hair nets and gloves went on as did the spirited competition, which was heard through many claps and shouts of joy with each box packaged.
“My favorite moment of the event was during the actual packing, when I noticed the room overflowing with energy, determination, and joy,” Justina Montaldo, senior and Executive Board President said. “Whether it was cheers from across the gym every time a box was completed, or seeing generations of Lourdes girls rush to finish the most boxes, the atmosphere was one of spirit and encouragement.”
That sense of shared purpose was at the heart of the day’s mission. Every detail of the event echoed what Olga Martinez, dean of Engagement & Enrollment, said at the opening of the event:
“Together, with Mary in all things, we can accomplish amazing things.”